Septik Tank Vaastu Consultant

Vastu Tips for Septik tank

Following are the important tips for the Vastu for the Septik tank:

  • - Make Septik tank in the third part from the north-west direction If the north side is divided into nine equal parts.
  • - Built The Septik tank 1 or 2 ft away from the compound wall or the plinth of the house.
  • - Due to the lack of place, septic tank can be built in the north portion of the west zone but 2 or 3 foot far from the main boundry.
  • - Prefer to take the length of the septic tank in east west, and the width in south north.
  • - Make Septic tank below the plinth level of the building. It should be below the ground level.
  • Impact of Septic Tank

  • - IN NORTH Loss of Money
  • - IN NORTHEAST Loss of Business
  • - IN EAST Loss of Fame
  • - IN SOUTHEAST Loss of Wealth
  • - IN SOUTH Loss of Wife
  • - IN SOUTHWEST Loss of Life

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